
Summer tire maintenance

In summer, the weather is very hot, cars and people, it is also easy to appear in the hot weather. Especially for the specialized transportation trucks, the tires are the most prone to problems when running on the hot road surface, so the truck drivers need to pay more attention to the tires in the summer.

1.Maintain the correct tire air pressure

Usually, the air pressure standard of the front and rear wheels of the truck is different, and the vehicle use instructions should be strictly followed. In general, the tire pressure is normal at 10 atmospheres, and exceeding this number will be noticed.

2.Regular tire pressure check

We all know that thermal expansion and cold contraction, so the air in the tire is easy to expand in a high temperature environment, and the tire pressure is too high will cause a flat tire. However, low tire pressure will also cause inner tire wear, resulting in shortened tire life, and even increase fuel consumption. Therefore, the summer should develop the habit of checking the tire pressure regularly.

3.Refuse vehicle overload

When the weather is hot, the heavy truck will drive more oil, and increase the burden of the brake system, transmission system, reduce the service life of the vehicle, more importantly, the tire, the vehicle load increases, the tire pressure increases, the possibility of a flat tire will also increase.

4.Note the wear indicator sign

The wear degree of the tire in summer is also quite high. Because the tire is made of rubber, the high temperature in summer leads to the aging of the rubber, and the strength of the steel wire layer gradually decreases. Generally, there is a raised mark in the tire pattern groove, and the tire wear is 1.6mm away from the mark, so the driver should change the tire.

5.8000-10000 km for tire adjustment

Tire adjustment is necessary to obtain optimal tire wear conditions. Usually the tire manufacturer recommendation is adjustable every 8,000 to 10,000 km. When checking the tire every month, if the tire is found to have irregular wear, the wheel positioning and balance should be checked in time to find out the cause of the irregular wear of the tire.

6.Natural cooling is best

After driving at a high speed for a long time, the speed should be reduced or stop to cool down. Here, we should pay attention to, can only let the tire cool down naturally. Do not vent the pressure or pour cold water to cool down, which will cause damage to the tire and bring hidden dangers to safety.


Post time: Jun-03-2024