
“One Belt, One Road” : The road of meeting, the road of prosperity

With a moon to open a dusty past,

An ancient road, oblique tones,

Chang ‘an, the Western Regions, the Persian Gulf, all the way west,

To the vast and distant,

Through the emissaries, shoulder the feelings of home and country,

Past the caravan, the parcel filled with rain,

An ancient country shining the light of civilization,

Stride to the grand road of national rejuvenation!

· The road to encounter, the road to prosperity·

In the past 10 years since the “Belt and Road” initiative was proposed, Xi ‘an has taken active actions and forged ahead with determination, achieving impressive results one after another andpresenting excellent enterprises one after another, such as SHACMAN.

·SHACMAN on the Silk Road·

In 2013, as one of the first complete vehicle and parts export enterprises in China, SHACMAN grasped the opportunity of the “Belt and Road”, focused on the key countries along the “Belt and Road” to accelerate marketing services, and also built localized factories in 12 countries such as Algeria and Kenya, SHACMAN has become a representative of Xi ‘an commercial automobile industry! These achievements can not be separated from the unremitting efforts of SHACMAN people!


SHACMAN heavy truck has been sold to more than 140 countries and regions around the world, covering more than 110 countries and regions of the “Belt and Road”, and SHACMAN heavy truck export volume and export volume rank at the forefront of the domestic industry. SHACMAN has become a shining business card on the Belt and Road Initiative

SHACMAN on the Silk Road told the Xi ‘an story of the “Belt and Road” to the world with full enthusiasm, and handed over a brilliant answer for the construction of the “Belt and Road”.

· The road to encounter, the road to prosperity·

A thousand years ago, camel bells were ringing on land,

The sea “ships” flow ceaselessly

Witness ancient China

The story of foreign exchanges

In the process of China actively embracing the world

SHACMAN has been trying to do that

The “little messenger” of civilization exchanges

Post time: Mar-27-2024