
Era Truck has sold more than 10,000 trucks in overseas markets

In the first half of 2023, Shaanxi Auto may sell 83,000 vehicles per share, an increase of 41.4%. Among them, Era Truck distribution vehicles as of October in the second half of the year, sales increased by 98.1%, a record high.

Times Tiancheng has sold more than 10,000 trucks in overseas markets (1)

Since 2023, Era Truck Shaanxi Overseas Export Company has actively responded to market challenges, adhering to the principle of “drive and never stop, steady and far”, seized overseas markets, innovated marketing models, strengthened user needs, adjusted product configuration structure to solve user problems, and created all-media marketing channels for products such as coal transport trucks, waste trucks, trucks and dump trucks. Among them, the dump truck sector ranks first in overseas market sales with a leading advantage.

In the overseas market, Era Truck Shaanxi Branch continues to improve the layout, practice the “one country, one line” marketing strategy, attract and vigorously cultivate outstanding talents, in order to enhance the competitiveness of seizing overseas market share.

Times Tiancheng has sold more than 10,000 trucks in overseas markets (2)

Since the beginning of this year, SHACMAN high-end products represented by Delong X6000 and X5000 have attracted the attention of overseas users. By gathering capital, talents, education and training and other elements, Era Truck Shanxi Branch will make every effort to boost the high-end high-horsepower heavy truck market and strive to achieve more excellent performance next year.

Post time: Nov-29-2023